After waiting for six months, finally I had my almost fifteen minutes of fame. My Big Redneck Vacation episode came and went last weekend with little fanfare and I still don't know what to make of the show. You can view the full episode here - Redneck Vacation episode 108.
It was a wonderful opportunity for 800,000 viewers to experience a puja to Shirdi Sai Baba the Indian Saint. Also, later in the show I was able to teach the women Baba's mantra, "Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai." I was really happy that the producers kept both of these scenes in the show, that was what was important for me. So much else was edited out, but that was fine.
During the filming of my portion of My Big Redneck Vacation, (a CMT reality show), the cameras were on all the time, except when the director said cut, and then sent all the men downstairs. That was the "set-up", the creation of artificial conflict that reality television thrives on.
The "reality" was that everyone, men and women in the family, were very happy during the healing that I did with them. Besides giving a black rock for protection to one of the men, I also gave everyone either rudraksha bead or crystal necklaces or bracelets or amulets. In the scenes downstairs the men can be seen still wearing their amulets and beads. The TV "reality" was that only the women liked what I was doing and the men had to get their womenfolk back to their Redneck roots. Which they did some days later by pouring beer on them and throwing mud on them, which by what we see on TV, everyone enjoyed.
If I had it to do over, there is very little I would change. I was able to facilitate Shirdi Sai Baba's energy flowing out to everyone who watched the show, everyone watching received some level of healing, whether they knew it or not... So that was good... that was Divine.
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